Tiger Volunteers
Put on your boots and get involved, y’all!
We can always use more alumni volunteers and program participants in ATX. Whether you interview local applicants to Princeton, assist with events and club operations, participate in our service projects, join our mentor/mentee program, or help start up a new committee, there is something for every Tiger.
Learn more below and contact us to sign up.
Ongoing Opportunities
Every year we rely on our alumni in the greater Austin area for these important initiatives - join us!
Alumni Schools Committee
Help meet our goal of 80 volunteers each year for the undergraduate admissions cycle!
Interviews can be done in-person or virtually, with the bulk happening in January and February. Early Action interviews start November 1st! Register here to be an interviewer, and stay tuned for more info from the ASC.
You will be inspired by the bright & talented youngsters you meet!
Austin Events & Club Operations
Have ideas for a new activity? Eager to get involved in club leadership?
Our Board of Directors & President are formally elected every year by the general membership, and the President appoints a team of officers. Leadership positions open up periodically and we always welcome additional committee members.
Planning, communicating & executing a compelling PCA program takes a committed, enthusiastic team and a variety of skills. We’d love your help!
New Opportunities
We have several new initiatives ramping up and we need YOU to help make these happen!
Tiger Mentor/Mentee Program
We started a Tiger Mentor Program in 2023 to connect local alumni across class years and fields of interest. The second cohort will start in January 2025. Please fill out this quick interest form by December 8th if you'd like to be a mentor or mentee in this next cohort.
Email Young Alumni Chair Kisara Moore ‘22 for more information on how to get involved: youngalumni@princetonclubofaustin.com.
Princeton Prize in Race Relations
Do you want to encourage, reward and support students who are committed to fostering positive race relations within our greater Austin community?
The Princeton Prize in Race Relations (PPRR) recognizes and rewards high school students who, through their volunteer activities, have undertaken significant efforts to advance racial equity and understanding in their schools or communities.
We are recruiting 5 committee members to perform outreach to local schools in the fall and to review applications in February.
Please consider getting involved in this impactful initiative!
Entrepreneurship Group
Are you a successful entrepreneur who loves sharing the story of your trials & tribulations? Do you provide capital or services to entrepreneurs and want to share best practices?
We hope to launch several entrepreneurship events this year and welcome alumni speakers and/or panelists to feature.