Tiger Support
All Austin-area Tigers are considered members of the Princeton Club of Austin and are welcome at our events.
Your support makes this club run…
The PCA is an all-volunteer organization that depends exclusively on dues and donations to subsidize club activities, events, and operating costs. The PCA also covers the costs for local recognition / awards ceremonies for our area Princeton Prize in Race Relations winners.
We do not receive annual funding from the University, and most of our events are free thanks to your financial support. We strive to make the fall kickoffs, holiday parties, blitz interview days, new admit receptions, and other select events accessible to all.
Please consider becoming a dues-paying member of the Club by contributing at a regular or sponsorship level that meets your budget. All dues and donations are tax deductible (Tax ID # 22-350035).
Our dues period is July 1 - June 30, which aligns with the Princeton fiscal year. Dues-paying members will benefit from discounted pricing at major ticketed events (such as a catered speaker dinner). Sponsorship level members will be recognized on our appreciation page.
Regular Dues
Recent Alumni
$25 / year
For alumni < 5th Reunion & parents of current students
General Member
$50 / year
All other undergraduate & graduate alumni
Sponsorship Levels
$125 / year
$250 / year
$500 / year
Please select your membership tier:
Note: You can cancel your annual subscription anytime via PayPal or by contacting our Treasurer.
Only in Austin for a short stint? Or don’t want a subscription? For a single year payment, select your membership tier below:
General Donation & Event Sponsorship
We greatly appreciate any contributions towards events and overall club expenses!